Friday, June 29, 2007

Went for the usual Friday prayers today with Tre...

Hanged Out at Century Square for a while after that...
Visited Metro since they were closing down and were having 50%-off-everything sale.
Pretty cool to shop there I guess, if I had brought some spare cash along.

The toys section had like nearly all the cool toy-cars on display sold. Bummer even though I didnt have cash.

Visited Best Denki, Nokia Store as if we had not visited there before.
More than 50, that's the number of times we've been hanging in those places.

Lastly we went home by bus No. 293 and saw 3 buses arrive to pick up passengers in a mere 5 minute time-frame.
Bus bunching at its finest!

While sitting at the back of the bus, we took pictures of another bus driver behind us, waved goodbye and gave him a flying kiss.
Sang the YMCA song loudly in the bus, song courtesy of my W850i handphone.
Love it.

Here are the pics.
